How do you carry in groceries from the store?

If you’ve got a carload of bags, do you heroically attempt to bring them all in at once—or are you content to make extra trips?
I’ll admit it: I’m the “all-at-once” kind of gal. One time, I made it to the kitchen, arms loaded to the brim, but the gallon of milk I was precariously balancing slipped. It hit the floor with a crash, bursting open and flooding every nook and cranny of my freshly cleaned floor.
Yes, I cried.
In that moment, as I stood there ankle-deep in spilled milk, it hit me. What if I had taken a different approach?
What if I had carried in only what I could handle, put each item in its proper place, and then gone back for more?
Better yet—what if I had called out for help?
That day wasn’t just about groceries. It was a metaphor for life.

We all tend to lug around too many bags. We juggle, maneuver, and push through, trying to do it all at once—parenting, careers, relationships, health, faith, and everything else. We think we’re saving time or proving our worth by managing it all, but in reality, we often create a mess.
That milk spill cost me the rest of my afternoon. How often does juggling too much at once cost us peace, joy, or progress?
Here’s the truth: you don’t have to carry it all alone.
“For freedom Christ has set us free…” (Galatians 5:1, NIV).
God never intended for you to be a one-woman show. He invites you to hand over the grocery bags of life—your burdens, your stress, your fear—and let Him carry them for you. He also places mentors, friends, and coaches in your life to share the load. When you let go, you’ll find more than a clean floor. You’ll find freedom.

So today, pause. Look at what you’re carrying. Is it too much? Where can you take smaller trips? Where can you ask for help?
Life is messy enough without juggling too many bags. Release the load, walk in freedom, and watch how much lighter the journey becomes.
Go be a FAITH-FUELED IMPACT MAKER—but do it with open hands and a lighter heart.