Fear vs Faith

Fear is a dead end. It’s a one way ticket to being stuck.

Fear grips us and pulls us down. It enshrouds us with clouds of doubt and keeps us living small and predictable lives.

Fear whispers thoughts of failure into our ear … “Stay right here.” “Be comfortable.”
It keeps us looking in the rearview mirror of our past life.

Fear takes hold of our thoughts, our mind, even the very breath of our body and squeezes impossibly tight.

Fear stops us dead in our tracks when we attempt to escape. It’s a heavy weight shackled to our ankles.

Fear is resigning ourselves to being stuck.

FAITH is the opposite of Fear.

Faith is the road ahead with a turn around the corner.

Faith pries our fingers loose one by one and tells us to go live our lives with open hands.

Faith says this is who we can become … Go live LARGE!
It breathes courage into the corners of our mind and gives us full permission to do hard, amazing things.

Faith says take the leap, dream big, work hard, grasp the abundant life that God has for us.

Faith forces us out. It enables us to take the step and gives us the mustard seed of courage necessary to live out the calling that each of us has on our life.

Faith lives large and breathes life into our dreams.

FEAR places us under the full weight of the mountain … FAITH moves mountains.

Which do you choose today?

Hebrews 11:1
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

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