From Excess to Abundance: Finding Joy in a Simpler Season

It was Christmas morning, and as I sat in our heavily decorated living room, the realization hit me hard.

The kids, now in middle school, were surrounded by piles of presents. The table was overflowing with holiday treats, cookies, and more food than we could possibly eat. I had gone all out—gifts for people I barely knew, party after party, goodie bags tied neatly with plaid bows for everyone under the stars. But amidst all this, I felt utterly drained. The excess was suffocating.

Does the holiday season ever feel like that to you? Instead of feeling fulfilled, at year’s end you’re left empty, like an endless whirlwind of busyness has passed through your life, leaving exhaustion in its wake. After Christmas, the bills stack up, the holiday pounds seem impossible to shed, and by mid-January, you’re still trying to get your bearings. I knew in that moment, as I faced the aftermath of all my well-meaning efforts, that I had crossed the line from abundance into excess.

Excess is easy to recognize once you’ve experienced its emptiness. It’s having more than you need—an overaccumulation of things, food, or commitments. It’s those extra holiday cookies you don’t really want but eat anyway. It’s attending every event, participating in every activity, and stretching yourself thin in an attempt to meet everyone else’s social expectations. Excess often comes from a scarcity mindset—the fear of running out, missing out, or not doing enough.

In contrast, abundance is a completely different experience. Abundance is having more than enough and being at peace with it. It’s not about the quantity of what we have but the quality of our lives and relationships. When we live in abundance, we act from a place of gratitude and trust, knowing that God provides. We trust that there will always be enough to go around, and we’re free to share generously with others.

As John 10:10 reminds us, “I have come that they may have life, and have it in abundance.” The abundant life Jesus speaks of isn’t filled with material things, but one overflowing with purpose, love, and joy.

What if, instead of preparing for the usual holiday frenzy, we shifted our focus? What if this year, we celebrated abundance rather than chasing after excess? The key is in recognizing that abundance isn’t found in more stuff, more food, or more activity. It’s found in being intentional with our time, energy, and resources.

  1. Make space for rest: Instead of cramming your schedule with every event, why not set aside time to simply be still? As Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” In that stillness, you’ll find the peace and clarity that gets lost in the busyness.
  2. Nurture your relationships: Instead of or time constraints. Spend time with those who matter most, not out of obligation, but out of joy. Give gifts not because you feel you have to, but because your heart overflows with love.
  3. Celebrate your efforts: As the year winds down, take a moment to reflect on your journey. Even if things didn’t go as planned, celebrate the progress you made and embrace the abundance of God’s provision. Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), and there’s always something to be thankful for.

Excess, in many ways, is driven by fear—fear of not having enough, of not being enough, or of missing out. But living in abundance is about trust, gratitude, and joy. It’s about stepping away from the mentality that more is better and embracing the beauty of what’s already in your hands.

This isn’t just a shift for the holiday season; it’s a shift for life. When we learn to live from a place of abundance, we stop trying to fill the void with excess. We no longer feel the need to attend every event or buy endless presents to feel good about ourselves. Instead, we focus on what truly matters—our faith, our loved ones, and our God-given purpose.

Christian author Ann Voskamp beautifully sums it up: “Simplicity is ultimately a matter of focus.” When our focus is on God and the abundant life He’s called us to, we naturally let go of the excess that clutters our lives. We begin to live in the fullness of joy and peace He promises.

This year, as you prepare for the holidays, I invite you to step out of the cycle of excess and into the freedom of abundance. It’s time to reflect, reset, and renew the life God has designed for you.
Don’t wait until the new year to make a change—start living in abundance today! Join me in the Wonderfully Made: 90 Day Faith-Fueled Healthy Life Challenge, where we’ll embrace healthy habits, nurture relationships, and set our intentions for a life of purpose.

Let’s make this holiday season a time of joy, not exhaustion. A time of abundance, not excess. You were made for so much more, and I’m excited to walk alongside you in this journey!

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