Life’s Road Map – Mastering the Art of Reflect. Reset. Renew

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Without a map we are sure to end up overwhelmed. Let's learn how to regain control and get back on track!

It seems like eons ago, but there was a time when Todd and I would take off with excitement on a road trip and the most important item in the front seat with us was our treasured road map. We liked to think of ourselves as traveling free as the wind, but the truth is we regularly referred to the map to keep us on track. At the end of the day we knew where we wanted to end up, and it certainly wasn’t lost in the desert sleeping next to a cactus. That’s another story, for another time!

It was my job as the official navigator to repeatedly unfold the big paper map, calculate the miles, analyze the different roads and then we would decide together the best route. Oftentimes, we would mix things up and choose to go down a road less traveled in order to check out a new sight. Our ultimate destination would not change, but we enjoyed being able to reset our route on the fly.

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I can’t imagine those trips without a map. It gave us a bird’s eye view of all the possibilities open to us as we traveled down the open highway. Without it, reaching our desired destination would have been left to a hope, a prayer and some random cacti.

Today, we have google to “tell” us where to go. Siri sits as our navigator and gives us point by point directions. We’d be lost without her. Traveling with a set of maps is a thing of the past. Honestly, I secretly miss the air of adventure that they held in their wrinkled and worn lines.

Fortunately, if we care to do the legwork to bring it to the surface, we have a beautiful road map tucked away within each of us. When opened it holds the journey of traveling from where we sit today to where we dream of being, our ultimate destination. This map is our life’s vision and it’s the most treasured of possessions.

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If we choose to make a plan for our life and do the hard work of mapping out our journey, that would indeed make us different from most. It is much easier to live day by day, being told by our circumstances what to do and then doing it. We are accustomed to meeting the crisis of the moment and by default we react to everything that comes our way.

However, those of us who choose to travel life with a map, are able to sit with an untold peace in the copilot’s seat. We understand there are unknowns on the road, but we have a plan and we have committed it to the Lord.

Having traveled this way for some time now, I have come to love the two letter prefix “re”. When we set a plan for our life, much like a road map you must refer to it often to stay on track. The tiny duo of the letters “RE” packs within it the beautiful lesson of “again”. Here are three steps we can work on to master the art of “RE.”

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When on a road trip it is necessary to check in with the map at regular intervals, after all the goal is to get to our destination, not wind up oodles of miles off course. I love the word “reflect” as it means to look back or to go back again. With our life plan in hand, taking the time to reflect on where we’ve been, what went well and what did not, is of utmost importance.

PRO TIP: I set up a time on my calendar every 90 days or three months to reflect once again on my plan. This intentional time usually looks like either a weekend away or after periods of intense effort a couple weeks off. If I wait longer than that I could start to drift away from my goals and it is much more difficult to recover.

Interestingly enough our minds are wired to accomplish goals in shorter periods of time. I even tend to start forgetting my goals if I do not regularly stay in touch with them. This is why new year’s resolutions are often a distant memory by March. While we do not want to stay in the past too long, a dose of reflection is good for future direction.

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This is the word of possibilities! To set again or anew. Sometimes while on a trip, we follow the map down a road that was too rough for our vehicle or maybe an unsafe part of town. At these times we need a chance to reset, to try again.

PRO TIP: During my quarterly times of reflection, I take the time to evaluate my plan. My end destination doesn’t change, but many times I need to reset how I intend to get there. I may need to alter my mindset, gather different resources, and change up my routine. Whatever it may be, having the flexibility to set things in place again, perhaps in a different way is imperative to success! Don’t be afraid to recognize a failure, change it up quickly and set out once more!

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Renew is the most beautiful of words, for it holds within it the gift of second chances and new beginnings. The very essence of the word brings hope, as it means to make or become new, fresh or strong again. As with a weary traveler who stops for the night to get some well deserved rest, renewing oneself allows you to start afresh in a brand new day.

PRO TIP: Once I reflect on my past few months, reset my intentions and goals, I take a few days to rest and lean into those. To allow myself to envision what the next few months will look like. Take the time to imagine my future self and renew my excitement for my dreams. I then go on a hike, ride my bike, get some fresh air and dream A LOT!

My mind and yours, is not meant to be in a constant “go mode”. I need time to process my thoughts and to work through things that are bothering me. When I do not take this time, I become ineffective in my life’s work and I risk sabotaging my vision and dreams for the commonplace. It’s like going on a road trip without taking the time to change the oil, fill up the gas tank and maintain the vehicle that is going to get me to where I want to go. I can only travel so far with a neglected ride. I must take the time to rest so that I can walk forward into the next three months RENEWED!

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Much like being able to travel to an endless flow of destinations, what a powerful gift we have to be able to create a vision for our life! In response we must learn to value and maintain this gift by mastering the art of reflect, reset, and renew. Have you asked lately, “What have I accomplished in my life? “Are there some changes that I need to make?” “Am I ready to make a fresh start?”

Come create a vision with me and I’ll show you how to read a new road map for your life!

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