Stronger in the Second Half

Hit the wall … Bonk … depleted … defeated … done.

Running a marathon is no joke. It’s ultimately not a race of speed, but of strategy. Not of physical strength alone, but also strength of mindset.

The ideal way to finish the race is stronger and faster in the second half. It’s what runners strive for – not just to finish, but to finish well. We call it the elusive “negative split.”

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How can this be done? In a nutshell it’s a game of training, discipline and self control. You don’t decide the night before to set out the next day and run 26.2 miles. You train your body over time. You develop a plan and incrementally, day by day you strategically add the miles, the strength training, the healthy habits and eventually your body begins to adapt.

Training properly requires discipline on all fronts of your life: time, nutrition, rest and mindset. It’s a disciplined daily commitment to run and finish the race.

This type of discipline mandates intense self control. It means saying no to second helpings or staying up late before a long run day. It means prioritizing your time and developing a mindset that is strong enough to see you to the finish. A mindset that is committed to overcoming obstacles.

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All this is in preparation to run the race, but what about that negative split? Finishing stronger and faster than you started takes things to a whole new level. It means that at mile 13.1 instead of fatigue setting in, you begin to kick it up a notch. When you might typically hit a wall, you have conditioned your body and mind to push past that exhaustion and accelerate. It requires that when you would expect to feel depleted you have the strength of mind to overcome the deficits and finish stronger in the second half.

Let’s drive this home … Are you at the halfway mark? Feeling tired? Defeated? Ready to turn it in and watch others run the race? Newsflash – this race is yours and it’s not over until God calls you home. Train your body, discipline your mind, work out your self control and finish stronger and faster than when you started. Be caught living strong until you “cut the tape” and you are called home.

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Decide today to RENEW your mind, your body, your soul before the Lord. Resolve to do what is necessary like the marathon runner at mile 13.1. Follow these steps to a stronger finish.

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The halfway mark is a perfect time to do a “Half-Time Review”. Take some time to glance back, reset your intentions and renew your mind for what’s ahead.

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Know that the race of life is for the long haul. It will require endurance and stamina. Gather the support you will need around you to help you finish strong. Look to people whom you admire to have them be your guides. Gather strength from their encouragement.

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Keep your life new and fresh. Everyday is an opportunity to learn, do new things, to start again. Don’t allow yourself to settle in, get comfortable and grow stale. Keep working out those life muscles.

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Consider what you are doing with your life that will have an everlasting impact. A ripple effect for generations to come. Allow that to give your days purpose and passion. Life begins when we reach the end of ourselves.

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Never grow tired of going for the win. Everyday is an opportunity to celebrate a win with others, an opportunity to make a positive impact on the life of another. Don’t give up on the WIN!

This second half of life, like the marathon, may feel like you are winding down. You may want to go sit by the side of the road and watch the other runners race by. I challenge you today to R.E.N.E.W. your intentions and finish stronger in your second half.

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