Confession time: In my twenties, I was the queen of “just because” gifts.

I loved finding little treasures that reminded me of someone and wrapping them up with care. Seeing a friend or family member’s face light up at the unexpected surprise was the highlight of my day. Gift-giving was pure joy—until Christmas came around.

When I married into a large family, Christmas took on a different vibe. My husband’s family had 43 members, and the tradition was clear: everyone got a gift. Every. Single. Person. You can imagine the chaos as I scrambled to check off my never-ending list of obligatory presents. I wasn’t buying gifts thoughtfully anymore—I was just surviving the process.
Financial strain crept in, the joy seeped out, and my once carefully wrapped presents turned into hastily taped boxes of budget-friendly trinkets. I distinctly remember an in-law commenting that a gift I gave their child was “cheap.” Well, yes—it was! I was out of money and out of patience.
The cheerful giver I once was had disappeared. Instead, I felt coerced into a cycle of excess, and resentment began to build. This wasn’t what gift-giving was supposed to feel like.
Then one Christmas, I had a revelation. I made a decision to stop giving gifts in the way the world expected and start giving as God gives: freely, abundantly, and with a joyful heart.

Think about the gifts God gives us. They’re not wrapped in shiny paper or topped with a bow. Instead, they’re woven into the fabric of who we are—our talents, our passions, our strengths. Perhaps you have the gift of encouragement, discernment, or artistic ability. Maybe you bring order to chaos or have a knack for making others feel seen and loved.
Here’s the truth: these gifts aren’t ours to hoard. They’re from the ultimate Giver, who delights when we recognize them with gratitude and use them to serve others. Remember how it felt when you gave your child their favorite toy—the one they played with nonstop? It brought you so much joy to see them delight in your gift.
How much more joy must God feel when we use the gifts He’s given us to make an impact in the lives of others?

As we celebrate Christmas, let’s shift our perspective on giving. Instead of focusing on the size of the gift or the number of people on our list, let’s embrace a heart of gratitude and purpose.
1. Give With a Grateful Heart
The pressure to give out of obligation can rob us of joy. Instead, give as God gives—freely and with love. Whether it’s a thoughtful note, a heartfelt prayer, or an act of kindness, what matters most is the intention behind the gift.
Take a moment this Christmas to reflect on the gifts God has given you. How can you use them to bless others? When we give with gratitude, our hearts overflow with joy—and that’s a gift in itself.
2. Focus on Presence Over Presents
One of the greatest gifts we can offer is our time and attention. In the hustle of the season, it’s easy to forget that what people often need most is simply to feel seen and loved.
This Christmas, consider how you can be fully present with those around you. Share a meal, play a game, or have a meaningful conversation. These moments of connection often leave a far greater impact than any physical gift ever could.
3. Use Your Gifts to Make an Impact
Your unique talents are a gift to the world. Whether it’s baking cookies for a neighbor, singing carols at a nursing home, or lending an ear to a friend in need, find ways to use your God-given abilities to bring joy and hope to others.
As you do, imagine the smile on your Father’s face. Like a parent watching their child thrive with the gift they’ve been given, God delights in seeing us use our gifts to serve others.

This Christmas, let’s embrace a new mentality—one rooted in joy, gratitude, and purpose. When we give, let’s give like God: with open hearts and a spirit of abundance.
Take a moment today to reflect on the gifts you’ve been given. Write them down, thank God for them, and ask Him how you can use them to bless others. Then go out and make an impact.
Whether you’re wrapping presents, sharing a meal, or offering a word of encouragement, remember that the greatest gift has already been given to us: the gift of Jesus Christ. His love is the reason we celebrate, and His example is the one we strive to follow.
Merry Christmas, my friends. May your day be filled with love, laughter, and the joy of giving. And may the light of Christ shine brightly in your hearts as you share His love with the world.