Unlock Your Healthiest Life: Faith-Fueled Wellness

We have it all backwards.

On the outside we are leading our businesses, our non profits, our women’s groups, even our kid’s softball teams. We are daily bringing solutions to problems and getting these down on hyperdrive!

Meanwhile our faith takes a back burner, our health is suffering, our marriages are in shambles and our finances sit on the brink. All the outward signs shout success, while inwardly we feel empty and defeated.

Leadership is in crisis all around us. We are overworked, overcommitted, overstimulated and I’m quite frankly – OVER IT! The fact is in order for us to be effective leaders we must first take the lead in our own lives. There’s no way around it, we have to start leading from the inside – out.


Much like the obese cardiologist instructing his patients to follow a healthy lifestyle, it’s difficult to export a product that we don’t own. Our credibility is shot when the veil of our personal life is pulled back and we’re found desperately wanting. After all, leadership is the ability to influence others. That becomes difficult if we’re not walking the walk within our own life.

Are you living life backwards? Leading those all around you, while neglecting to care for yourself? Has the curtain been pulled back on you and you’re ready for a change?

The first step in taking charge of our life begins with taking a good look at our faith foundation. Are you standing on solid or shaky ground? Or have you not found a place to land at all?
When I hit rock bottom in my life several years ago I found myself landing on “The Rock”. We can either land there and find firm footing or we can be crushed by the rock and life.


As a leader we must know where we stand with faith. Make no mistake, you’re a leader.
Just in case you hear that word and immediately discount yourself. A leader is one who influences others and we all have influence whether over one or one million. The question becomes how will you lead? It begins with taking the lead in your life and the starting line is faith.

If we allow God into our life equation, all other facets of our life will begin to make sense. I struggled with this for a long while. I treated my relationship with God like seasoning on my meal. I could sprinkle it on lightly in what I was serving out to the world, not too heavy so others would turn away. People would know on the surface that I was a woman of faith, but how deep did that run?

The problem is God doesn’t want to be reduced to seasoning, He desires to be my main course, my sustenance for life. I am to consume and digest everything he has for me and allow it to infiltrate every aspect of what I do.


Coming to terms with this has changed my world and my entire life direction. The first catalyst for change was an opportunity to exercise my faith by giving God the reins in my health journey. It started with a health scare. It was a big enough jolt to force me to the side of the road for a bit. I had to stop and consider what I really wanted in life and did I want to be healthy enough to play with those future grandbabies. The answer was a resounding, Yes! I made a diehard commitment to be the healthiest version of me.

Rather than dieting, my husband and I changed our lifestyle. We cooked and ate differently. Dinners became a time to chop veggies together and grill lean meat or fish. When we went out to eat, we already knew in advance how we would order. The emphasis was on our time together, not the food itself. Our attitude towards food shifted. We considered it in all its wholeness as God created it, before chemicals, packaged foods and the fast food revolution.It was designed to be fuel for our bodies, instead of an excuse to over indulge.


Over the course of six months, I lost 30 pounds and gained a vitality for life that I’d never experienced. Back to my highschool weight, I had the energy now to do the work I loved times ten! The secret of discipline became a beautiful discovery. While it may be hard at surface level, on the other side of discipline is the sweet freedom of choice and opportunity.

I had taken back the lead in my life by putting God in the driver seat. I was healthy and I was ready to export that success to others.

What about you? What will be your catalyst for change? While it’s never too late to start, every day that ticks by – the best version of you gets a little farther down the road. Time tricks us into thinking that we will get to our health when things quiet down with the kids or you have the extra space in your schedule. Unfortunately those moments always get replaced with something else and while you may not feel the symptoms right now, the journey to DISease is not far off.


We all have friends whose health turned a corner they’d never thought they’d see. My heart breaks to know their bodies were crying out for help long before the symptoms started showing up. Don’t wait – let today be your catalyst for change!

Here’s my top tips to start taking the lead in your life, starting with health today.


We are tempted to start quietly and alone. That way if we fail, we will be the only ones who know. The thing is that confidence is built as we keep promises to ourselves. Every time we break that promise our shoulders slump a little lower and it’s that much harder to stand up straight and start again. I learned that life hack from Ed Mylett and it’s so true.

Make a promise to yourself. Know that you are valued and loved by God before you even begin the journey. You’re worthy as you are today and for who’ll you be tomorrow. Being your healthiest allows you to maximize this life that God has gifted you with.

Burn the boats so there’s no going back. Hire a coach to guide you, gather the support of friends or a community of like-minded women. When I need help with a complicated tax question, I don’t use google or youtube. I hire someone who knows a lot more about taxes than I’d ever want to know. Not only does my CPA protect me from dangerous mistakes, she shortens the learning curve for me and I start seeing results a lot sooner!


Being on a new journey towards optimal health is not about being a size 2 or fitting into that sleek dress for a wedding. It’s about launching a completely new lifestyle. It’s about honoring God through your choices and leaning into his strength when you feel weak. Learning your trigger points for eating foods that invite disease, changing your mindset to one of vitality and discipline will overflow into every aspect of your life.

This is not punishment and you’re not on a diet. This is the opportunity to start anew, and to gain a hold of your life again. Change is always difficult at first as you’re developing new mindset muscles. Take courage my friend! When you stay the course your progress will fuel your momentum forward. What was difficult and awkward today in a couple months will become part of what you do. The rewards are limitless!


What gets measured gets accomplished! Checking in regularly with your goals, means you need to know them. Be honest with yourself about what you want to accomplish and WHY!
Make sure you have a written plan that aligns with your goals. For some that may be numbers on a scale, a pair of pants you want to fit into, lower blood pressure or controlling blood sugar. Everyone’s measurements are different, that’s why it’s so important to know your metrics. Having the support of a coach or group of like-minded women is so valuable in tracking progress because they help your actions to align with your numbers and make sure you’re reaching them.

If you’re ready to take the lead in your life and start realizing your dreams, I encourage you to make health a priority and invite God on your journey. All other aspects of a leader in control of her life flow naturally from a woman who has learned the discipline of a healthy lifestyle!

Ready to start your journey? Reach out to me for a health assessment and/or discovery call. Let’s get you on the road to living your exceptional life!

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