5 Surefire Ways to Stay Stuck – Or Escape to Your Best Life

Stuck Happens. We can either choose to get comfortable and stay there or we can draw on the resources within us to escape to our best life!

We’ve all been there. A funk of a day turns into an unproductive week, that segues into a flat month and regretfully continues to languish on from there. Our feet seem tightly tethered to the same patch of dirt and yet firmly planted in nothingness. It’s hard to launch and equally impossible to land. My friend, we are stuck.

Sitting square in the middle of our own overwhelm it’s difficult to fathom a way out of the mess. With all of life’s arrows pointing directly at us, we might as well get comfortable and wait this one out. It’s sure to get better someday … right?

While we’re hunkered down riding out this wave of blah, here’s five surefire ways to stay stuck and keep us from ever doing the hard work of living our best life. However by reading on, you just might be able to hatch an escape plan.

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#1 Blame Others – Take a good look around. Each day holds a multitude of reasons why we simply cannot move forward in life. I was raised in an unstable home. Other people came in and took my opportunities. I was never given the resources. Bad circumstances made me this way. My dreams were put on hold so others could pursue theirs.

I rest in the comfort of knowing that the way I turned out is definitely not my fault. Life has always treated me unfairly.

Or …

I will take 100% responsibility for my life. Taking a solid evaluation of where I am sitting today, will help me to do the very next thing. I can look within myself and ask the question,”What’s in my hand to do right now?”` then summon up the courage to do it!

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#2 Wait for it – Opportunity exists all around me, but I will wait to see what others are going to do first. It’s best to watch people fail while trying new things, that way I can make sure there is no risk for me.

Or …

I will lead by initiating and starting a NEW THING! My imagination allows me to dream and create a vision for my life and fresh opportunities. I can accept that failure is inevitable and a necessary part of my success. I must be the one who takes the first step towards my one of a kind future. I will believe in myself and my unique gifts and talents. I CAN’T WAIT to live my life!

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#3 Be a Victim – I have always had it rough. There will never be an escape route for me, life keeps pressing its thumb over my existence. No one has ever helped me to succeed. Other people get lucky breaks, but my luck has always run dry. It’s just the way it is.

Or …

I choose to be victorious. By examining what I do have, no matter how small it is, I am determined to work on that and make it grow. Looking to my past will never move me forward to my future. However by having a laser focus on improving my future, I will find success in spite of my past. Afterall, I am a VICTOR!

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#4 Let Life Happen – I like to live my life in the flow of the day. Let life happen, it will figure itself out along the way. Be free and not hindered by stiff goals and plans, that’s too rigid for my wandering spirit.

Or …

I will set strong goals and create a plan to move forward. Gathering the resources I need around me, will give me the knowledge, strength and courage to tackle my dreams no matter what. I acknowledge that I will fail and it is part of the process. In the end, I succeed by being intentional in my life.

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#5 Isolate and Insulate – Life is HARD. I will keep to myself, stay protected and free from harm. The people that I do allow in my circle, will be just like me and can agree that staying small is the best way to keep safe.

Or …

I will choose to live my life with an outward focus. Connection and bringing value to the lives of other people is the best way to live a fulfilling life. My inner circle will be full of people who are eager to grow and share the secrets of their success. They will encourage me to live out my full potential in work, faith and life.

When we get right down to it, we all have the ABILITY to wallow and stay permanently stuck in our own complacent life.The good news is we also have the RESPONSIBILITY, that is the RESPONSE + ABILITY to CHOOSE our responses to whatever life brings our way.

Let’s make today the day that we take 100% ownership of our life, our dreams and our best possible future. Our best days are waiting for us, it’s time to escape stuck and follow freedom!

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