It sat on our back patio suffering quietly for a few years.

By all outward signs everything seemed perfectly normal – shiny green leaves, beautiful flowers at the appropriate seasons, new growth every year. Nothing to signal the struggle that lurked beneath the surface.
When I first planted the five gallon patio tree in the fifteen gallon terracotta pot it was happy as all get go. Immersed in dark–nutrient rich potting soil the little tree seemed dwarfed by the size of its new home. Overtime, it flourished there. I fed it regular doses of Miracle Grow and we were paid back tenfold with numerous showings of gorgeous fuchsia pink blooms. Consistently producing an abundance of new shiny green leaves, it stood up tall and straight while I pruned regularly. My tree responded with gratitude and even more growth.
With all the TLC over the next couple years the tree grew taller and that fifteen gallon pot began to fit just right. Coming into its own on our plant-filled patio, it commanded attention with its beautiful blooms. Guests would marvel at how well it was doing and wanted to know my green thumb secrets. It was at the height of this significance, that I should have seen the first signs of cracking. I was too occupied with the accolades to notice.

Ironically, it was the terracotta pot that began to crumble first. Too much water I thought, so I adjusted. Then the leaves started dropping a little more than normal. I’ll give it some fertilizer to help “perk it up”. That year the blooms were a bit lackluster and I began to think it was past its prime. Well, I thought, “It’s been a good run.” I began to consider replacing it with something newer and more “showy”.
I walked out onto the patio early one morning and the terracotta pot had completely split open and fallen away from the tree. The problem was EXPOSED! Coiled around and pressing in on every side was a massive array of roots. My beautiful patio tree was ROOT BOUND!
Every square inch of soil was occupied with roots of all sizes and there was simply nowhere else to grow. Desperate for more room, it busted through its pot searching for more. And to think I was going to discard my prize patio tree because it was no longer producing. It wasn’t done growing, it was silently crying out for a LARGER POT!

Does this sound familiar? We start off our adult lives and plant ourselves in an environment that is good for where we are in that stage of life. The right mix of friends, a good opportunity to learn and plenty of room to stretch out our roots and grow. If we are doing things right we take off and do just that – GROW!
The dilemma is that as we grow into our roles in work, faith and life we are laying down roots. Those roots are forming a foundation for our lives. Over time the environment we first planted ourselves in, becomes cramped and overcrowded. The once nutrient dense soil needs to be replaced with fresh soil. The roots in an effort to seek more nourishment bust out of the pot! We need to move ourselves to a bigger pot, with more opportunities to grow. It should be a regular lifelong process – instead growth can easily become an afterthought.
Neglect to change your pot and you risk becoming stagnant and rootbound. Stuck and restless, with nowhere to go except around and around within the boundaries of your current pot. How do you recognize that you’ve outgrown your current environment? When do you know it’s time for a move into a larger playing field?
Here’s my three tips to help keep you growing:

Oftentimes when we’ve had our nose to the grindstone for so long we don’t even realize our pot is too small. That’s why it is so important to set up a consistent schedule to check in with yourself. A time to reflect on what’s been accomplished and what’s ahead.
At this time consider the people you spend the most time with outside of your family. Are they growing? Do they encourage you to stretch beyond your comfort zone? Are you surrounding yourself with people who are bigger, stronger and faster than you?
When our pot becomes too small we tend to keep things just as they are because growth becomes uncomfortable. It’s a nice pat on the back to have people around us who are a constant source of accolades because we are two steps ahead of them. Their roots will start to wrap around your ankles and hold back any hopes of future growth. Get out while you still can! Keep growing!!

You’ve recognized that you need a new environment and new relationships that will keep you growing. Now what? It’s time to prepare so that when the window of opportunity opens up you will be ready to move onto bigger possibilities.
Start preparing now by creating a vision for this new chapter of life. When we’ve been playing it small for a while, we forget to dream. We talk ourselves out of it by thinking it’s a luxury we can’t afford. If we are going to live into our full God-given potential, we can’t afford NOT to dream! Taking the time to anticipate what is possible in the days ahead, re–energizes our desire for growth.
Develop the skill sets that will be necessary for this next chapter. Take a course, work on building a healthy lifestyle, equip yourself with the tools you’ll need on the road ahead. It’s also a great time to start talking to others about what you are wanting to achieve. By giving a voice to our dreams it’s incredible the doors of opportunity that begin to open up. When a friend hears of something that may be a good fit for you – you’ll be the first they recommend. You’ll be ready to seize the moment!

When I transplant a plant from one pot to another the move will sometimes cause a bit of shock. Gardeners will tell you that you need to massage the roots gently and move a small amount of soil from the old pot into the new environment. It helps to get used to all the “new-ness” that change can bring.
Change is hard, even if it’s positive change with better results on the horizon. If you move yourself into a bigger pot through a career change, a major weight loss, or even a new relationship, give yourself some grace and time to adjust. Sort out what was amazing from your former pot, like the good soil and bring some with you! Perhaps you have a trusted friend or advisor that you want to keep in touch with – do it! The key is to replace what wasn’t working anymore with new tools and people that will propel you forward.
Our patio tree was happily planted into a larger pot and its roots once more were able to spread and explore. It grew bigger than ever and its vibrant pink blooms proved to me that I made the smart choice.
What about you? Is there an area in your life where you are starting to feel cramped? Start considering the possibility of an upward move to challenge you and stimulate growth. There is no better catalyst for change than seeking a fresh adventure. It’s time to flourish, my friend!